Headed to Seattle for a week to visit my good friend and talented artist Spider Papa. It was my first time there, and I haven't heard much about the city aside from lots of rain and grunge, but I was happily surprised by all the art, nightlife, food, and good people I encountered. Spider and his friends were great hosts and the trip was a much needed escape from the east coast. Lunch atop the Space Needle provided us with this badass rotating view Sign found at a gas station. Coy hipsters being hip The Unicorn is a wicked bar that's circus themed. Very tasty drinks and food A little electrical tape over the "tails" and we have a winner I had a chance to visit my old friend Dutch. He was so happy to see me he pissed on my shoe Dope chandelier in a coffee shop Downtown. This made no sense World's smallest skate shop. Seriously. Decks and clothing downstairs, records and music upstairs. Sick Weirdness Cat picture found in apartment window Neon Ignignokt hanging in our favorite diner. Badass Painting I liked in downtown gallery Stickers. Everywhere."What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more." Cat graffiti? More graf... Best graf I spotted whole trip Line work I drew for Spiders chest piece I started. A mix of influences from his life, old school skate graphics, and some of my own flavor Outlined and the next visit will bring the color. So long Seattle, I enjoyed your art, clubs, food, and scenery. It was good to see an old friend, and make new ones!