Here's my costume...Officer Atomik on patrol for vandals...keeping the streets safe! Anyone who knows me understands why this is so funny and ironic My girl and I carved some pumkins at the tattoo shop carving party Saw this car on the way home...."Say car ramrod!" Hahaa....badass My girl and I celebrated our six month mark together and at the Meeting of the Marked Tatty Con my friend Clint S. from AZ gave me a fresh tattoo. Thanks Clint! Pics coming soon...
I painted this wooden panel for my friend Melony who is part owner of Mantis Tattoo. It was her birthday so I banged out this skull piece the other night while getting drunk off some good rum. Haven't painted a canvas in a bit so it felt pretty fuckin good
Here's a remix I did of a digital design I did on my ipad. A lot of friends who saw the original suggested that I add more makeup to her face, so here it is
Here's the first promo design I did for the shop. Karlis the owner gave me a sketch of a bugged out mantis he drew and I completed it digitally. An spoof of one of our favorite movies, Menace To Society I also tattooed this skull on him, which he gave me a rough sketch to start with and let me finish the design how I saw fit. He rides bmx and had his front two teeth knocked out so that explains the gear and missing teeth. We threw the paint brush and tattoo needle in the mix to represent his love for art. Now I can't wait to get my tattoo from him...
While visiting the Halloweekends at Cedar Point Amusement Park this past weekend, I found a huge arcade full of old school games. Its was so cool to see video and pinball games that I can barely remember from when I was little. Here are a few cell phone pics of some of the pinball machines that had badass artwork... This wizard artwork needs to be translated into a backpiece tattoo for me! Is that dinosaur impaling the T Rex right in the balls?!? Looks like the cavemen are pointing and laughing! The girl on the far left has an rad body. Straight up!
Halloween is by far my favorite time of the year, especially on the east coast. My girl and I have been taking advantage of the wicked good weather and events going for the past few weeks such as monster mini golf, haunted houses, and amusement parks. Here's some cell phone pics...
Girlfriend riding her first roller coasters like a boss The devil's skeeball...score-666...too bad, you lose
I'm happy to say that I've joined the crew at Mantis Tattoo Studio located just outside Pittsburgh, PA. I will have more details soon. The next chapter has begun...