Our local Pimp, Hi-Pitch Rich, had me put this AK-47 on his arm to fill up some available space. He liked it, I liked it...wicked. ...and this girl who raises horses had me design this tribal tattoo for her. It was her first tatty, and on her ribs...ouch!
One of my oldest, closest friends wanted an eagle tattoo on his back. He didn't want color, but I used a dirty red to add some shading behind it. this girl wanted her fiances name on her neck, but she wanted the O to be a ring...clever! this tattoo went on an Air Force refueling tanker pilot. His hobby is hot rods, so he wanted old school pinstriping in it also
A good friend of mine came in the tattoo shop to get a graffiti piece that he designed on his arm. He gave me artistic liberty to shade and color the piece how I desired, and I think the collaboration resulted in a great tattoo! ...this tattoo was designed for a young guy who is a vocalist and writes music ...this 45 record adapter was put on a close friend who loves music ...and this baby's footprint was put on a mom
Over ten years ago, I was asked by the owner of a dumpster service to paint graffiti art on the dumpsters to give them personality, and make them stand out. Over the following years, the man who owned the business would become one of my closest friends. He had me paint over 25 dumpsters inside 3 years, and our dumpsters changed the look of the streets of this city by adding color and creativity wherever they were parked. I was almost never told what to paint, so most of the murals were straight from my head. Many of them are strange, to the point where I wonder if I made some of so weird just to make the average person scratch their head when they saw them.
I always covered every inch of those steel boxes with paint, often having a theme on both sides, while painting a graf piece on the ends. Now looking back, the days when I would ride my bike to the yard and paint in the hot sun are some of the best times I've had. My friend is now gone, along with his business, his dumpsters, and all of my artwork. People in this city still remember those colorful boxes that would be scattered though out the neighborhoods, and I try hard to remember all the good times spent with my friend
Skull and roses tattoo...badass...enough said! This gentlemen wanted some of my pinstriping on himself, so we did this skull design on his ribs...ouch!
I got a new mobile phone, and have been trying out the camera...here's some random photos... I painted green realistic fire inside the racing stripe on my friends truck, I like the skull on the front of the hood... Halloween is my favorite time of year. This is one of my neighbor's house. I like the ghost in the window that moves...nice!
My mechanic, who's also a great friend, wanted me to start a hot rod themed tattoo sleeve on him. The first session was the Thrush Muffler "Mr. Horsepower" bird... and this bird was put on a girl's foot who wanted a little sparrow that she drew. Nice.
My friend Gambino owns a biker gear store next to our tattoo shop. He wanted me to give the front of the building some attitude, so I spray painted some wicked skulls and spider webs around the windows. Now the storefront has a lot more personality!
While I was out in the city today, I found some of my old lettering jobs that I had done years ago. They still looked like new and were still doing their jobs well!
Recently I was asked to paint some lettering on the side of Tony Urbanick's new tattoo shop in Pittsburgh. I traded him for a set of his signature machines which I've been using for the past few days. The machines work great, and live up to some of the praise I have heard about them......Thanks again Tony!
I'm currently touring the Northeast painting and tattooing. The fall has always been my favorite time of year for the northeast, and I'm enjoying the colorful changing of the leaves and cool temperatures. I'm doing tattoo work out of a friends shop, so if your in the Pittsburgh area and want some ink, contact me through this or my myspace page 'Alexis' on the arm for his daughter, done in a gangster old E style lettering... ...my oldest best friend wanted a scorpion done in blue, that's a big monster!
here's some of the paint work I did this past weekend while at a Florida bike rally. I really enjoy decorating people's motorcycles, choppers, and trikes with striping, lettering, and graphics at these events. There are plenty of challenges while working in the field, like rain, wind, heat, and difficult customers, but it all makes the experience more memorable.